Today marks the beginning of May. For some, that means that Spring is in full swing, the birds and bees are out doing their thing, the weather is nice, plants are starting to peek their leaves out, and the pollen is in full force. For me, it means that I am coming ever closer to the end of the school year and all of the work that brings with it. I have grades to enter, assessments to give, paperwork to file, certificates to create, 5th grade promotion to run, one more concert to put on, etc. etc. etc. The end of the school year always becomes a mad dash to the finish to try and squeeze everything in.
One of the best parts, though, is that the beginning of May also brings Teacher Appreciation Week. This is a fantastic time around my school, as the PTA comes up with a lot of very thoughtful ways to show how much they appreciate the teachers in our building. Usually we have lunch provided (and sometimes breakfast) most of the week, a few odds and ends that show up in our mailboxes, and the occasional note from a student or several. These are all fantastic ways to re-energize to the end of the school year.
It's always good to feel appreciated. Especially at the end of state-mandated testing (which may prove to be the death of me).
On top of the Teacher Appreciation activities at individual schools around the country, TeachersPayTeachers is offering a site-wide sale! This is always a good thing. On top of their discount, I will be offering every item in my store at a 20% discount. That means you can get anything in my store for a combined total of 28% off!
What could be better than that?
Well, in celebration of a milestone for me (I just checked, and I have 40 products available!), I am going to offer an extra day of sale immediately following the TpT sale. The official site-wide sale will run May 5-6. My sale will by May 7, and will be a 20% off sale on the entire store.
I highly recommend if you've been looking for Boomwhacker activities that you check out my Boomwhacker Bundle, this will be a fantastic chance to get it at a great price. Also, if you purchase it now and I update it to include more in the future, you'll get all of the new material for FREE!
I don't know about you, but I like free.
Ok, that's enough of the sales pitch. I hope you have a fantastic conclusion to your school year, and I'll be back with actual educational writing soon!