Let me start off by apologizing to my followers - all both of you. I did not intend to take such a long break from my blog, it just kind of happened. So with that said, here's a quick summary of what I've had going on this school year:
- I started the year with a student intern named Grace, and she had some of the most original ideas for elementary music I've ever seen. We did an activity with a loop pedal for her second observation and had the students create a loop-based composition using improvised body percussion and vocal sounds.
- I have students who are struggling like never before to play brass instruments. Two trombones and a trumpet, all three who started at the same time; one of the trombones plays everything too low, the other trombone and trumpet play everything too high. It's making for a bit of a beginning band struggle.
- I was observed by my principal doing concert prep. Very strange. We dissected the form of one of their concert pieces which made for a very useful lesson, but I'm a little concerned it cost me some valuable time that could have been spent on performing and rehearsing. The neat thing is that I think I did the best lesson on form that I have ever done, and I will absolutely use it as a touchstone throughout the year. (Also pretty awesome is that the write-up for my observation was overwhelmingly positive - we'll see how that comes up in the post-observation conference.)
- I have second grade students working on rhythmic fluency using pool noodle notes as well as a worksheet I created. They are using the noodles to work out rhythms in three dimensions and getting used to drawing notes on the paper, which is a pairing of ideas I got from Tracy King over at Mrs. King Rocks. If you haven't already, go check out her blog and then her Teachers Pay Teachers store, they're both pretty fantastic.
- First grade and Kindergarten have been working on found sounds, body percussion, and enhancing stories with sound effects and music. This is especially great around this time of year as I have found many great Halloween-related activities. As a side note, I have no students at my school with any kind of religious or cultural barriers to celebrating the various holidays throughout the year; I cannot begin to tell you how much easier that makes my job.
My beginning band and strings groups are making progress, painful though it is to listen to at times. My choir is off to a good start, though I suspect I could be pushing them a little harder. We have honor chorus starting this week, which I am really looking forward to (aside from fighting traffic to make it to the rehearsals on time). In about 2 1/2 weeks we have our fourth and fifth grade concert, which should be interesting. Here's to hoping we pull it off in time!
So that's what's going on in my world, how about yours?
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