Why does that child have a teddy bear in school?
Please don't put your fingers in your mouth/nose/ears.
Why can't you follow directions?
This meeting has nothing to do with me, can I please leave?
I'd rather be practicing.
Six years of college, two teaching degrees, ten years of experience, and I have to justify my program's existence why?
No really, this meeting could have been an email.
Why am I out of coffee?
I'm out of coffee, someone might die today.
Will I get fired for the faces I make when I haven't had enough coffee?
Please don't put that in your mouth.
Why is that in your mouth?
No, you cannot go to the principal's office to tell her something really important.
Why would you need to leave my class?
Because I said so, that's why.
Will I get fired for telling students my job is harder than their parents' jobs?
No really, reply all is not a good choice.
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